Saturday, 27 November 2010

Liminal Happenings: Hanging Work and Preparing Performance Spaces

HAngin in the liminal spaces...
.. the DRIPAN movement arrives in
KyeongNiDan  MALONEY's Pub,,,  
the hanging goes smooooothly,,
,,even impressed the internationals ,,drinking ,,  
,,enough guiness,,

The time for the zones are now set, with work hung, now just preparing for the the performances.

*Aeon Zone will see people cascading in just before 8.00 p.m.

HBC bar is a focal point for vidual art, while next door Orange Tree will be bringing an eclectic range of performances to the table. people will be bouncing back and forth, checking out words, images, lines and ideas before departing for the next zone

*Performers: Orange Street has a stage and amplification. Who wants it? Get in touch get involved.

More space updates coming over the week.

*More work hung; Kyungnidan represented*

Courtney Lynn Zach and Mike Hern @ Blue Beer (Kyungnidan)

Anjee DiSanto and Laura Coulter-Netzke @ NOXA (Kyungnidan)

Danny Arens and  Jeongeun Lee  @ Blue Beer (Kyungnidan)
Jeongeun Lee at Maloney's Pub (Kyungnidan)

1 comment:

  1. Rock and roll. Will check it this week. Great stuff!
